
Shipping Information

Delivery charges depend on the order total and the delivery location. However, PakBazar Online offers free shipping on orders above PKR 2,000. For orders below this amount, the charges will be displayed at checkout.

PakBazar Online only delivers within Pakistan. All orders are typically delivered within 2–7 business days, regardless of the city.

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email or SMS. You can use this number on our website’s tracking page to monitor your parcel’s progress.

PakBazar Online only delivers within Pakistan, so no customs or import fees apply. All charges are included in the price or shown at checkout.

Currently, PakBazar Online only delivers within Pakistan. However, in the future, we plan to offer international shipping. If someone urgently needs international delivery, it may be arranged with additional charges, subject to feasibility.

Returns & Refunds

If you wish to return a product, please contact our customer support team via email or phone within 7 days of receiving the product. Ensure the item is unused, in its original packaging, and accompanied by proof of purchase. Further details will be provided during the process.

Currently, we do not offer international shipping, so there is no international returns policy. However, we plan to expand in the future and will update this policy accordingly.

If you believe your refund amount is incorrect, please reach out to our support team. Provide your order details, and we will investigate and resolve the issue promptly.

As PakBazar Online only operates within Pakistan, there are no customs or import charges for returns or purchases.

Delivery charges are non-refundable unless the return is due to a mistake on our part, such as receiving a damaged or incorrect item.

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